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* Ever wanted to explore the wonderful world of chocolate making?
* Planning a special birthday party for a special someone who loves chocolate?
* Looking for a creative way to bring your team together for a team-building experience?

Then host a ChezSlaughter Chocolate workshop in your home or church kitchen!

At a ChezSlaughter Chocolate workshop, I’ll teach you and your guests about Belgian chocolate and why it’s some of the best in the world. We’ll even do some taste-testing. Then the group will learn some of the history, geography, math and science of chocolate – I promise: these subjects are delicious when chocolate is involved! And then you’ll make chocolate treats including bars and dipped items, package them and take them home with you!

Who are my workshops for?

  • Chocolate lovers: You pretty much have to like chocolate (or know someone who does) to enjoy my workshops. Because there’s a lot of chocolate involved, and you’ll carry home a sack full of goodies as well as a few drips and dribbles on your clothes.
  • Cooks, Bakers and Foodies: If you’re one of these, my workshops are definitely for you. You’ll learn some of my tricks of the trade and I’ll teach you how to wow even the most ‘unwowable’ dinner guest with chocolate.
  • Fun lovers: You have to love having fun. If not, the thrill of the temper, the rush of topping bars, and the delight in dipping delicacies will be too much for you to handle.

I’m currently offering two different workshop experiences:
The Belgian Chocolate Workshop for Adults
Chocolate School for Kids

Or, if you’d like to discuss a custom chocolate workshop to fit your special needs, email me at:

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